Having the right team at the right time makes all the difference.
Lavinia Errico
If experience is the best teacher, Lavinia’s life is a masterclass in entrepreneurship and mentorship. She has the uncanny ability to combine a bird’s eye view of the fitness, health and wellness space with an ear-to-the ground sense of what the market needs now and what’s coming next. Her insights and instincts are the stuff of legends, and when she decides to invest in you, you will definitely (truly) feel chosen. Fearless, she speaks the truth kindly, so you always know where you stand and where you need to go. Beneath her warm and welcoming exterior is a mental toughness and determination that makes everything and anything possible. With a network of collaborators that spans across multiple health, fitness, wellness and alternative spaces, Lavinia brings connection, vision and clarity to everything she touches. And success always follows.
Spirit Animal: The Eagle
A messenger and a healer, capable of seeing around every corner and knowing what is to come.
Michael McCracken
A renaissance man wrapped in a Harvard MBA, Michael knows well that money isn’t everything, but also that it’s the start of most things. His financial, operational, VC and investment experience and IQ are off the charts, and his leadership has helped a diverse and evolving panoply of startups and mid-market companies stay the course and break through to market success and dominance. Having Michael on your team is an inoculation against all that can go wrong, and a booster for success in raising capital and aligning your financial strategies for ultimate victory. There is no better partner to join you on your path to success.
Spirit Animal: The Raven
Brilliant, analytical, and adaptable. Always seeking and finding a better way.
Jolie Goldberg
Take an entrepreneurial temperament and give it the right environment, and you have something akin to what happens when oxygen meets a flame. That’s why team member Jolie can light a fire under any project, and make sure the house doesn’t burn down in the process. A USC Marshall School of Business Graduate, a former Strategy and Operations intern at Fabletics, our resident social media savant, and a competitive dancer with a lifelong commitment to spreading the fitness and wellness gospel, Jolie understands that success is in the details, and that helping clients find the right mentorship and partnerships can change the course of their business and their life.
Spirit Animal: The Dragonfly
Flexible and adaptable in any situation and inspiring others to unlock their true potential
Zach Errico
When you hone your teamwork and leadership skills on a Pac-12 conference football field, they become part of your DNA. That’s why Zach has soared as a real estate investor/developer and why his project management skills are second to none. Raised in a family where entrepreneurship was the norm, Zach also brings to the table the fierce and fresh perspective of a plugged-in fast adopter and competitive snowboarder and surfer, and the high standards of someone who knows exactly what a winning completion looks and feels like.
Spirit Animal: The Lion
Balanced leadership that inspires confidence and devotion.
Jennifer Gonzalez
When it comes to seeing all sides of things and understanding how they fit together, Jennifer is your guide. She effortlessly straddles the worlds of business, design and technology with humor, wit and incredible speed and economy. Jennifer’s brand-building skills are nothing short of oracular— always compelling, always thoughtful, always prescient, and always hit the mark. When you need someone who can simultaneously think outside the box and create the most visually arresting and ingenious box, you need Jennifer.
Spirit Animal: The Butterfly
Sees what others do not, approaches change with ease and clarity, a harbinger of transformation.